
The 9th European Slag Conference11th to 13th October 2017 in Metz, FranceRead more

The 6th European Slag Conference20th to 22nd October 2010 in Madrid, Spain, organised by UNESID (Spanish Steel Association) and EUROSLAGRead more

The 5th European Slag Conference19th to 21st September 2007 in Luxembourg (city), organised by Cloos SA and EUROSLAGRead more

The 4th European Slag Conference20th to 21st June 2005 in Oulu, Finland, organized by Ruukki Production, Co-products and EUROSLAGRead more

The 3rd European Slag Conference2nd to 4th 2002 in Keyworth, United Kingdom, organized by Quarry Products Association, UK and EUROSLAGRead more

The 2nd European Slag Conference9th to 11th October 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, organized by FEhS-Institut für Baustoff-Forschung e.V. (formerly Forschungsgemeinschaft Eisenhüttenschlacken) and EUROSLAGRead more

The 1st European Slag ConferenceMarch 1998 in Marseille, France, organized by Association Française des Opérateurs sur Co-produits industriels (AFOCO) and EUROSLAGRead more