Technical Leaflets
Our Technical Leaflets present topical informations in short form.
The first leaflet informs on Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GBS). GBS is manufactured from molten blastfurnace slag, a co-product produced simultaneously with iron. Rapid chilling with water or air forms a glassy granular material with latent-hydraulic properties.
It is used for cement, concrete, mortar, grout and aggregates.
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The 2nd leaflet informs on Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag and its advantages with respect to the new European Chromium (VI) Directive for cement and cement-containing preparations.
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The 3rd leaflet informs on the use of blast furnace and steel slag as liming agents in agriculture. The different applications of ground and disintegrated materials in agriculture are briefly described as well as their properties and their effects on soil and plants.
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